Here we are 


📚 Unschooling for +10 years  🌎 Full-time traveling since 2018 🧒 4 kids: 12, 16, 18 & 25 🐶 2 dogs

Living a Self Directed Life - Powered by Purpose

We are here to help you.

Unlock Your Mothering Potential: Overcome Overwhelm with a Free Discovery Call with Cecilie Conrad


Struggling to Attract Clients? Book a Free Marketing Strategy Call with Jesper Conrad.


More than 300 blogpost from psychologist Cecilie Conrad on traveling, unschooling and parenting.


Listen to our podcast Self Directed where we explore what it means to live a self-directed life. 


Free e-book on how to attract the right clients. Download Jespers book 'Online Marketing with Love.

Download for Free

Create Harmony in Relationship With Your Money, this program guides families towards financial freedom and a values-based life, beyond stress.Start with a Free Lesson

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X, Rumble, TikTok et al.

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok et al.

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok et al.

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New episode every thursday!

See all episodes find shownotes, links and transcript at TheConrad.Family/Podcast  

A mindful and conscious life based on values and personal choices, doing what life calls you to do and unfolding what you truly are is probably what most of us dream of. We have carved our way out of tha hamsterwheel, and with the podcast SELFDIRECTED, I host with my husband, we share the stories of those who have done the same. 

We talk about freedom, balances, unschooling, living a "different" life, about unfolding a radical idea or a passion and what life looks like, when you step outside the box and try something other than mainstream.

Welcome to our world, and the world of others who direct themselves!

If you enjoy the podcast, dont forget you can buy us a coffee

🎙️Our Podcast is Powered by You🎙️ 

We run our podcast on love, passion, coffee and your generosity. Here are some ways you can help!